Friday, June 1, 2012

My Most Recent Ailment, and Life at 34 Weeks Preggo

My most recent ailment: pain in my ribs!

So recently, I have been having awful, debilitating pain in my ribs, on the right side.  The baby has grown so much and has not dropped yet, so she is crowding my ribcage and let me just say…. OUCH!!!

The only way I get any relief is by laying down on a heating pad, or having Phil rub my ribs and back.  The pain wraps from the front of my ribcage all the way to my back!  It's so horrible.  If I am sitting up at work,  I am usually in pain these days.  Therefore I am so looking forward to beginning to work from home soon.  I don't know when though!

I feel like I have so much to do yet.  I am at 34 weeks tomorrow, and I still need to get Medicaid/insurance stuff figured out.  I also need to write a list of what to pack for the hospital, and pack it.  We just finally sat down and wrote our birth plan for the midwives yesterday.  I am just so tired all the time that I have very  little desire to get anything done.  I come home from work at 1:30 every day and then nap for hours.  The other day I missed a doctor's appointment because I forgot about it and took a nap instead.  It was re-scheduled for today.  Sigh.

Yesterday I had maternity photos taken by my co-worker's daughter, who is extremely talented for her age and just has a natural eye for photography.  She did the photos as a loving gift, which we were very blessed to have.  She took us to a field behind their church with tall grass, and we took several photos with different props such as balloons, a little book, baby shoes, letters that spell out the  baby's name, and others.  I cannot wait to see them.  My co-worker assured me they came out good, but I am nervous that I will look like a giant whale in them! 

Onto the weight issue… I have gained 30 pounds exactly at this point.  Most of that is in my belly, but I can tell a little in my face and arms as well.  I am glad I am staying on track for the most part and haven't gone overboard.  I've been very careful with my weight gain, and my midwife has complimented me on that!  I hope that I do not go over gaining 35 pounds.  That gives me about one more month, and five pounds that I could possibly gain. That means I need to continue to be careful, and keep walking and moving rather than just resting and pigging out. 

Here is a photo I took this morning, showing how large and in charge the belly has become!

1 comment:

  1. definitely bring chap stick when you pack. You basically live on ice cubes/chips while in labor and your lips will get so dried out, but chapstick is so helpful during labor!!! bring socks, sweats that are not your "normal size" but ones that are a little larger. nursing bras. lots of underwear. don't forget to ask for an ice pack to wear AFTER you give birth to make the pain less severe DOWN THERE. . .it will burn and hurt after giving birth once the epidural (if you end up getting one) subsides. ice packs for that area were the most comforting part after giving birth. hmm lanolin stuff for your nipples, lotion, outfits for Selah, receiving blankets, newborn diapers unless they provide it for you, boppy. . . .I think I covered the essentials.
