Monday, May 21, 2012

Braxton Hicks Rears it's Ugly Head

This weekend we had a wonderful night alone together on Saturday to make dinner together and relax, watching a movie.  We made delicious beer butt chicken and scalloped potatoes with bacon… A huge treat!  It was wonderful.  We sat down to eat and watch the movie and all of a sudden…

PAIN!  Immense pain.  In my abdomen, on the right side. 

It caused me to cry out in pain instinctively.  "Ouuuuuuuuchhhhhhhh  wtf!" was my reaction, pretty much. 

It came and went, and then came and went again… Several times… For about half an hour.  It was like no other pain I have felt before.  People I have talked to about it suggested it may have been gas (which it was not, I know what that feels like) or the baby kicking too hard (nope, not that either… I know what it feels like when she kicks HARD).  Others have suggested it was Braxton Hicks contractions, which I thought were supposed to be painless.  I have had at least one Braxton Hicks contraction before that I felt- it felt like my whole stomach tightening, but it wasn't painful.

Well this time, it was painful.  And so I did some research online and found out that yes, Braxton Hicks contractions CAN be painful!  So I am assuming that is what they were. 

My thought the next morning was… "if this is anything like what real labor contractions are like, I am TERRIFIED"!!! 


WHYYYYYY does it have to be painful again?????

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