Friday, June 29, 2012

38 Weeks and READY!!!

I am hoping, praying, begging the Lord that she will come this weekend and not next!

Yesterday, Phil informed me that next weekend he has class all weekend!!!  SAY WHAAAAAAA!?  He cannot miss any class at all or he will have to re-take the entire course (it is a two month course).  I do not know when they offer this course next (it could be next YEAR), so now I am very concerned.  I really hope she either comes this weekend or during the week, or after next weekend.

If she comes this weekend, my mom would be in town to help me until next weekend, so that would be perfect.  Another factor is that the fourth of July is in a few days and I wouldn't mind if the baby came after the fireworks show... haha. 

All in all, as long as she comes when she is ready, that is good.  I just really hope she doesn't come when Phil is in class. 

We might go to Scalini's tonight to try their "labor inducing eggplant parm."  Here is the website, explaining more about it:

The only thing is... we have had eggplant for the past THREE days in a row, and not much has happened (although I was pretty sure I was having some kind of mild contractions last night as I was laying down trying to sleep...). 

You know... to be honest, I have no CLUE what a contraction feels like.  Everyone says it either feels like a strong menstrual cramp, or lower back pain.  But I have had cramping on and off a bunch this week, as well as back pain that comes and goes... so I just feel confused.  I think that I have had Braxton Hicks... but then again it could have just been the baby moving in a weird way.  Some people have told me that I will just know when I am having contractions... I believe I will know for sure when I am in labor, but I don't know about whether or not I have had BH. 

As of last week, I am 70% effaced, and a fingertip dilated (boo).  However, I have heard that this info is really not all that relevant and it just gives false hope.  Some people can go from being completely closed to in labor within the same day.  Others can walk around for 3 weeks being 3 cm dilated.  So, really... I guess it is not a huge indicator of when labor will actually start. 

I feel like I am beginning to obsess about labor starting.  I need to fill my mind with other thoughts, and fill my schedule with other plans to get my mind focused on other things.  This weekend, we might go to the DeKalb farmer's market with friends and then spend the afternoon cooking together and playing games.  Then on Wednesday, it will be July 4, so we will go to Phil's parents house and cook out and swim, then hopefully go see fireworks.  Next weekend will be really awful and lonely if Phil is in class and I am all alone at home, still pregnant and miserable...

Sigh.  I wish babies would just cooperate and come EXACTLY on their due date so we could plan more efficiently. 

On an unrelated note, there is a heat wave hitting this area this weekend.  Check out the forecast:

I don't remember the last time it was 106 degrees.  Luckily, we have AC and the fan going... and we can probably go to Phil's parent's pool.  I don't plan on spending too much time outside this weekend.  To be honest, the whole being preggo in the summer thing has not been bad for me at all.  I love the heat, and it has been bearable, especially since I spend most of my time indoors... The time I have spent outside has mostly been going for walks in the evening or swimming in the pool.  I have not felt miserable like so many people told me I would be. :)

Well this post is getting pretty long.  One last thing... I CANNOT WAIT TO SEE MY BABY DOLL AND HOLD HER!!!!!  She is going to be the LOVE of my life, and I cannot wait to experience the emotions of loving someone as much as I know I will love her.  :) :) :)


  1. I had loads of braxton hicks at 36-41 weeks of pregnancy but yes, contractions are menstrual cramps maximized. The back pain would be back labor pains, which I didn't have so I don't know what that is like, but some women get that WITH their menstrual feeling cramps. You probably won't feel contractions until 39-40 weeks, in all honesty. I was pregnant with Leto until 41 weeks and Micah until 39 weeks. . .Most women (if they tracked it correctly) don't go into labor until the week before through a week after their due date. Don't get too worried or excited!! I talked to a woman the other day who had given birth on her due date. so cool. I thought Leto would be earlier since he was so huge and I carried so low the whole time.

    Then again if you are a finger dialated, that's awesome. I wasn't a finger dialated UNTIL I was going through labor. My mom was that way too. . .we both went from nothing to 10 in the last half hour of giving birth. Find out when your mom had you, because usually women repeat how their moms handled things. My mom was not early for any of her births at all (I am her 3rd child and she had me 5 days late, my brothers were 3 days late each). The only reason why Micah was 39 weeks was because I was induced early so I wouldn't have another 10 pound baby. So yeah, if your mom was late for hers, you probably will be. If she was early for hers, you probably will be.

    1. My mom had all three of her babies early!! Her first was 2 weeks early (at 38 weeks), then I was second and I was 3 weeks early at 37 weeks, then my sister was 2 weeks early. So I was really, really hoping that my baby would come early. Now I am not hoping that because Phil has class this weekend and it would suck if he missed class... so I am hoping maybe sometime next week (which will be 39 weeks and however many days). Sigh. I am carrying really high- baby has not dropped at all which is frustrating because both my pelvis AND my ribs hurt. :(
