Some days I wake up and think... am I still pregnant? Is the baby really in there? Is the baby okay? Is his or her heart beating?
I have asked around and apparently I am not the only one who has ever thought that. Some women even rent a doppler so they can hear the baby's heart beating whenever they want!
I am only about 13 weeks pregnant, so I am not showing yet and I can't feel the baby moving yet. I did feel a "fluttering" or what felt like a muscle spasm in my abdomen yesterday. My friend said it was most likely the baby burping or having gas! BAH! Craziness.
So, apparently in three weeks I could possibly find out what I am having... If we did the 3D ultrasound, we would be able to find out. However, Phil doesn't want to spend the money on that. We may just need to wait the dreaded 6 weeks to find out the gender. It feels like forever away!!!
It is always annoying to wait until you actually FEEL pregnant (like the actual baby). That is the ONLY part of pregnancy I enjoyed (feeling the baby). It will happen between 17-21 weeks that you'll actually feel your little one moving around. SO much fun. If you felt the fluttering, that's great. My favorite is feeling hiccups!!! They are so sweet. 3D ultrasounds are fun but usually aren't worth it until about 30 weeks in (I had 3D ultrasounds for both my boys for free because my late God-mother's sister-in-law owns her own company doing so). They are pricey though! 6 weeks while pregnant IS a long time. Time goes by so much more slowly while pregnant, while everyone around you thinks it goes so fast. Hang in there Mama!!!!!!