I read this article today (Don't Carpe Diem), and this stuck out to me (particularly since I was going to be climbing Kilimanjaro, literally, until I found out I was instead going to be birthing an infant):
"I think parenting young children (and old ones, I've heard) is a little like climbing Mount Everest. Brave, adventurous souls try it because they've heard there's magic in the climb. They try because they believe that finishing, or even attempting the climb are impressive accomplishments. They try because during the climb, if they allow themselves to pause and lift their eyes and minds from the pain and drudgery, the views are breathtaking. They try because even though it hurts and it's hard, there are moments that make it worth the hard. These moments are so intense and unique that many people who reach the top start planning, almost immediately, to climb again. Even though any climber will tell you that most of the climb is treacherous, exhausting, killer. That they literally cried most of the way up."
I like the quote, but is parenting really as treacherous as raising a child? I hope not!
It can be very tough on some days and frustrating, but what I'm experiencing lately is that when discipline is needed, afterwards I get an apology and a lot of "I love you"s and "I did wrong"s and "You love me, Mommy"s (while before hearing those things I was wanting to cry and thinking I'm so mean for having to hear my children cry when they don't get their way). I think that when I hear things like that I just climbed further up the Mountain! Infants-two year olds are so much easier than dealing with 3-5 year olds! BUT it is so much more fun at this age to watch them learn and grow and understand things and listen to them say the most wonderful things!!! You're in for a little bit of a mountain climb once you have your child!!! hehehe. Giving birth is the EASY part!