Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Psychology Class

Years ago in college, in my psych class (I was probably 19 or 20 at the time), my professor gave us an assignment. We had to write down an age that we would like to be and why. I wrote down the age 26, because I would most likely be married and settling down and starting a family by then. The whole point of the assignment was to show how most people would choose to go ahead in life and be older than they are rather than going back in life and being a younger age. But I never forgot that assignment... and now, being 26 years old and married with a baby on the way, it seems that I knew deep down from that earlier age that I would be in this place in life at this time. Sometimes I worry about missing out on things once the baby comes. Heck, I already missed out on the FC at Kili. However, I do NOT want to miss the next one!! I cannot get preggers again! HAHAH! The next one is April 2013 and they are still trying to confirm for sure the location, but I know that no matter what I want to be there if I can. I know I will have a nine month old baby, but I am hoping and praying that it would work out that she can be taken care of while I am gone. I also worry about things like money and where we are in life to be having a kid. Phil is at an entry level job and in school. I am going to be working part time from home. Neither of those jobs amount to making enough to really support a family... we are really going to need to rely on God for help and provision, which is hard for me to do. I worry about date nights and the possibility of losing romance with Phil. I really want to feel like a young, happily married couple still rather than old hags with kids who never go out. I want to be able to say, "Yes, we CAN go to that rock concert," or "we just went out to the most fabulous place last night." I worry about being one of those mom's who only talks about her own kid and doesn't keep up with the media or news. I know I will talk about my kid, post WAY too many photos of her on facebook, and brag about her every accomplishment ("my kid rolled over for the first time today! Woohoo!"). Haha. Right now those things seem so... trivial and silly to me, but I know when it is my kid that I will feel differently. But I really do want to have a LIFE aside from just being a mom... and I am not even a mom yet!!! I think I have just been jaded. I have been told by too many people, "You won't care about doing that when you have kids." (Mostly referring to climbing a mountain for the FC). Well, you know what? I am predicting that by the age of 30 I will have climbed MORE than one mountain, made leaps and BOUNDS towards a better career, had a second and possibly third child, and be in a place in life where I am willing to let God lead us to wherever He wants us to be. I predict that I'll be a mom who LOVES her kids with her entire heart, but also loves life, culture, experiences, travel, adventure, and most of all people.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know if you remember Lori from Camp (she was usually with me), but she had a baby and climbs mountains all the time. She travels like crazy with her husband and son (and he is under the age of 3. . she hiked with him since he was under 1).
    Anyway, It is possible.
