Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Kicking Babydolly!

I've been feeling the baby kicking for a while now. It started around week 17, I think… I felt small movements like muscle spasms- a quick flutter- and then nothing. Now, at almost 23 weeks, I feel her move all the time. She was kicking me in the bladder all day. I love feeling her kick and knowing she is doing well in there! I've been hoping that Phil would feel it soon, too…but every time I put his hand on my belly, she would either kick and he wouldn't feel it, or she would stop kicking. But yesterday she was kicking a LOT and hard! So I called Phil to come into our room and that she was kicking… He literally RAN into the room and DOVE on the bed and put his hand on my belly and right then she delivered a perfect little kick right into his palm. His eyes lit up and he said "I felt that!" It was such a precious moment that we shared… Such a simple but beautiful thing to experience together. He immediately updated his facebook status (of course!) with "HOLY FIRE, I JUST FELT MY BABY KICK FOR THE FIRST TIME!" Hehe. I love my man and his enthusiasm for our daughter. :)

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